Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Invocation of Hades

Invocation of Hades

Lord of the underworld Thee I invoke!

God of wealth thee I invoke

God of abundance thee I invoke

Aidas thee i invoke

Son of Cronus and Rhea thee I invoke

Brother of Zeus thee I invoke

Brother of Poseidon  thee i invoke!

Plouton thee i invoke

Lord of the Helm of darkness thee i invoke

Lord of  the unseen realm. thee i invoke

Aidoneus, the Ruler of Many thee i invoke

Pluto thee i invoke

God of the dead thee i invoke

Master of Cerberus thee i invoke

God of Necromancy thee i invoke

Dis Pater thee i invoke

Orcus thee i invoke

Aita thee i invoke

Hades on your black throne and your chariot and black horses thee i invoke

Dionysus thee i invoke

Chthonios thee i invoke

Plutus thee in invoke

Zeus Chthonios thee i invoke

Summanus, Serapis,Februus,Mot,Eubouleus thee i invoke

You alone were born to judge deeds obscure and conspicuous.
Holiest and illustrious ruler of all, frenzied god,
You delight in the worshiper's respect and reverence.
Come with favor and joy to the initiates. I summon you.

Hades come thou forth and dwell in me and make all spirits subject onto me whether of the firmament or of the either upon the earth or under the earth on dry land or in the water or of whirling air or of rushing fire and every spell and scourge of the gods be obedient onto me

1 comment:

  1. what and what is needed for me to enable me invoke him
