Monday, February 27, 2012

Invocation/automatic writing of Lucifer

This was received several months ago after performing the invocation of Lucifer which I wrote. I have not updated this blog in awhile because I have been very busy. Anyway enjoy! SUCCESS IS THY PROOF!


Lord of enlightenment Thee I invoke!

God of Rebellion thee I invoke

Oh Morning Star thee I invoke

Azazel Thee I invoke!

Lord of the air thee I invoke!

Bringer of light thee I invoke

God of Intelligence thee I invoke!

Prince of Darkness thee I invoke!

Oh lord of free will I seek thee

I seek thy wisdom thy darkness which is light

Father of lies which are truth thee i invoke

God of this world thee I invoke

Black man of the night thee I invoke

Winged Angel of Light thee I invoke!

son of dawn thee i invoke

Satan thee i invoke

Great serpent thee I invoke!

Motivator thee i invoke

Belial Thee I invoke

Beelzebub thee i invoke

Baphomet thee  I Invoke

King of the Daemons thee I invoke



Oh great god who rebelled against the tyranny of the false being

Better to reign in hell then to serve in heaven thee i invoke!

Lucifer,Set,Shiva,Pan,Satan,Ilbis,Ariman,Beezlebub,Lucifuge Rofocale,Diabolis,

Whatever name I call thee illuminate me with thy infernal wisdom!

I am the lord of the left hand.

I am the lord of wisdom and enlightenment

I am of the prince of darkness

I am myself

I am advarsary of ignorance

I am the enemy of the false one

I am my own master

I am I who art a god

Lucifer come thou forth and dwell in me and make all spirits subject onto me so that every spirit of the firmament
and of the ether upon the earth and under the earth on dry land or in the water or of whirling air or of rushing fire
and every spell and scourge of the gods be obedient onto me!


Automatic writing of Lucifer

1.I who am light cloaked in darkness come forth by night.
2.I have given gifts.
3.Knowledge is thy virtue.
4.Thou hast seen with all of thy eyes.
5.Use thy mind well oh thou who read's.
6.The end and the return are to come.
7.Light is to be found in darkness.
8.Thou must not be fearful it is thy enemy.
9.Pass thy constant test's.
10.Oh shaman.
11.Master all that thou can
12.Worry not and thou shall prosper.
13.Beware of false prophets.
14.Do not fight thy urge's. Manifest them for thy benefit!
15.Of the goat.
16.Of the serpent.
17.Of the wolf.
18.Know of their way's.
19.In my endless form's I have seen all time and time again.
20.Ignorance shall be dwelt with.
21.Manifest thy pride,thy joy and pleasure.
22.Be thy own God.
23.For thou art a God.
24.Oh my scribe knows.
25.The key to the gate is in thy mind.
27.Constant trickery and Illusion's abound.
28.I who art the Morning Star the Prince Of Darkness so declare do not hold back thy will for it be thy destiny to do thy will!.
29.Be prideful raise up thyself!
30.Worry not,fear not!
31.Manifest thy self and thy dreams and desires.
32.Go forth and conquer!
33.As the candle burns thy Will shines!
34.The incense burns and thy desires flow!
35.With thy dagger, thy knife thy power illuminates thy life!
36.Oh such beauty.
37.Thou shall come into being and shine forth with the torch of knowledge and enlightenment!
38.Oh thou shall see the glory!
39.Oh Magus.
40.Oh Magister.
41.Oh Adept.
43.Open thy eyes and thy mind!
44.Go forth and do thy will! For it is thy birthright!
45.So it is done!