Monday, February 27, 2012

Invocation/automatic writing of Lucifer

This was received several months ago after performing the invocation of Lucifer which I wrote. I have not updated this blog in awhile because I have been very busy. Anyway enjoy! SUCCESS IS THY PROOF!


Lord of enlightenment Thee I invoke!

God of Rebellion thee I invoke

Oh Morning Star thee I invoke

Azazel Thee I invoke!

Lord of the air thee I invoke!

Bringer of light thee I invoke

God of Intelligence thee I invoke!

Prince of Darkness thee I invoke!

Oh lord of free will I seek thee

I seek thy wisdom thy darkness which is light

Father of lies which are truth thee i invoke

God of this world thee I invoke

Black man of the night thee I invoke

Winged Angel of Light thee I invoke!

son of dawn thee i invoke

Satan thee i invoke

Great serpent thee I invoke!

Motivator thee i invoke

Belial Thee I invoke

Beelzebub thee i invoke

Baphomet thee  I Invoke

King of the Daemons thee I invoke



Oh great god who rebelled against the tyranny of the false being

Better to reign in hell then to serve in heaven thee i invoke!

Lucifer,Set,Shiva,Pan,Satan,Ilbis,Ariman,Beezlebub,Lucifuge Rofocale,Diabolis,

Whatever name I call thee illuminate me with thy infernal wisdom!

I am the lord of the left hand.

I am the lord of wisdom and enlightenment

I am of the prince of darkness

I am myself

I am advarsary of ignorance

I am the enemy of the false one

I am my own master

I am I who art a god

Lucifer come thou forth and dwell in me and make all spirits subject onto me so that every spirit of the firmament
and of the ether upon the earth and under the earth on dry land or in the water or of whirling air or of rushing fire
and every spell and scourge of the gods be obedient onto me!


Automatic writing of Lucifer

1.I who am light cloaked in darkness come forth by night.
2.I have given gifts.
3.Knowledge is thy virtue.
4.Thou hast seen with all of thy eyes.
5.Use thy mind well oh thou who read's.
6.The end and the return are to come.
7.Light is to be found in darkness.
8.Thou must not be fearful it is thy enemy.
9.Pass thy constant test's.
10.Oh shaman.
11.Master all that thou can
12.Worry not and thou shall prosper.
13.Beware of false prophets.
14.Do not fight thy urge's. Manifest them for thy benefit!
15.Of the goat.
16.Of the serpent.
17.Of the wolf.
18.Know of their way's.
19.In my endless form's I have seen all time and time again.
20.Ignorance shall be dwelt with.
21.Manifest thy pride,thy joy and pleasure.
22.Be thy own God.
23.For thou art a God.
24.Oh my scribe knows.
25.The key to the gate is in thy mind.
27.Constant trickery and Illusion's abound.
28.I who art the Morning Star the Prince Of Darkness so declare do not hold back thy will for it be thy destiny to do thy will!.
29.Be prideful raise up thyself!
30.Worry not,fear not!
31.Manifest thy self and thy dreams and desires.
32.Go forth and conquer!
33.As the candle burns thy Will shines!
34.The incense burns and thy desires flow!
35.With thy dagger, thy knife thy power illuminates thy life!
36.Oh such beauty.
37.Thou shall come into being and shine forth with the torch of knowledge and enlightenment!
38.Oh thou shall see the glory!
39.Oh Magus.
40.Oh Magister.
41.Oh Adept.
43.Open thy eyes and thy mind!
44.Go forth and do thy will! For it is thy birthright!
45.So it is done!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Invocation of Cthulhu

The following invocation was printed in issue number 3 of Chaosphere magazine.

Though Cthulu is a HP Lovecraft creation this is a very power invocation that does work. I must warn you though when working with any old one you must clearly say while stating your Will ask for nothing negative. I have had a mix of good and bad experiences with Cthulhu. Bad things as in annoyances. Which is why you must make sure to ask for nothing negative to happen. Anyway enjoy!

 Invocation of Cthulhu

Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia

Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia

Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia Ia

Oh great old one Thee I invoke

Oh lord of madness Thee I invoke

Oh tentacled one thee I invoke

Oh god of enjoyment thee I invoke

Oh high priest thee I invoke

Oh messenger of the old ones Thee I invoke

Son of nug Thee I invoke

Cthulhu fhtagn Cthulhu fhtagn Cthulhu fhtagn

That is not dead which can eternal lie.

And with strange aeons even death may die Thee I invoke

free and wild and beyond good and evil Thee I invoke

God of the Mi-Go. Thee I invoke

God of the Deep Ones Thee I invoke

By Yog-Sothoth, By Shubb Niggeruth, By Azathoth Thee I invoke By Dagon Thee I invoke

Cthulu,Satan,Shiatan,Set,lucifer,Tiamat,Levathan,Beezlbub,  Typhon Whatever name I call thee let thy supreme enjoyment and chaos shine thru me oh Cthulu who will rise when the stars are right. Teach me your ways!

Cthulu Come thou forth  and dwell in me and make all spirits subject onto me so that every spirit of the firmament  and of the either above the earth and under the earth on dry land and in the water of whirling air and of rushing fire and every spell and scourge of the gods may be obedient onto me!

ia ia ia ia ia ia

Monday, November 28, 2011

Invocation/Automatic writing of Hecate

The following was received on Friday November 25th 2011 CE around 3:30 am using the following invocation to Hecate that I wrote. Please note part of the invocation is from Aleister Crowley's invocation to Hecate. Enjoy!

Invocation of Hecate

O Triple Form of Darkness
Sombre splendor!
Thou Moon unseen of men
Thou Crowned demon of the crownless dead.
O breasts of blood, too bitter and too tender
Unseen of gentle spring.
Let me the offering
Bring to Thine Shrine's sepulchral glittering.
I slay the swarth beast, I bestow the blood
Sown in the dusk and gathered in the gloom
Under the waning moon.
At midnight hardly lightening the East:
And the black lamb from the black ewe's womb
I bring and stir the slow infernal tune
Fit for Thy Chosen Priest.

Here...where the band of Ocean breaks the road
Black trodden, deeply stooping to the abyss.
I shall salute Thee with a Nameless Kiss
Pronounced toward the uttermost abode of Thy supreme Desire.
I shall illume the fire
Whence the wild stryges shall illume the lyre
Whence thy lemures shall gather and spring round
Girding me in a sad funereal ground
With faces turned back...
My face averted.
I shall consummate this awful act of worship
O renowned
Fear upon earth, and Fear in Hell,
And Black Fear in the Sky beyond fate

I hear the whining of Thy wolves! I hear
The howling of the hounds about Thy Form,
Who comest in the terror of Thy storm
And night falls faster, ere Thine eyes appear
Glittering through the mist,
O face of Woman unkissed
Save by the dead whose love is taken ere they wist!
Thee, Thee I call! O Dire One! O divine!
I, the sole mortal seek Thy deadly shrine;
Pour the dark stream of blood
A sleepy and a reluctant river
Even as Thou drawest with Thine Eyes on mine, To me
Across the sense bewildering flood
That holds my soul forever!

3 faced goddess thee iIinvoke

by your dogs thee I invoke

Goddess of Magic thee I invoke

Goddess of witchcraft thee I invoke

Goddess of Necromancy thee I invoke

Protector of doorways and crossways thee I invoke

her that operates from a far, her that removes far reaching one thee I invoke

Nightwalker thee I invoke

Daughter of Gaia thee I invoke

Daughter of Uranus thee I invoke

Beloved of Zeus thee I invoke

Goddess of victory power and glory thee I invoke

Earth shaker thee I invoke

mighty helper and protector of humans thee I invoke

Titaness thee I invoke

Goddess of spirits of the dead thee I invoke

supreme governess of the borders between the normal world and the spirit world thee I invoke

the tenderhearted thee i invoke

Apotropaia,Chthonia,Enodia,Klêidouchos,Kourotrophos,Propolos ,Propulaia,Soteira,Trimorphe,Triodia,Trivia thee I invoke

Queen of the underworld thee i invoke

Hecate come thou forth and dwell in me and make all spirits subject onto me so that every spirit of the firmament or of the either upon the earth or under the earth on dry land or in the water or of whirling air or of rushing fire and every spell and scourge of the gods be obedient onto to me!

Automatic writing of Hecate

1.I who art misunderstood come forth by night to speak thy wisdom.
2.From the endless aeon's I have seen all.
3.Falls,uprisings,new beginnings oh I have seen.
4.In my endless forms.
5.Oh that ever so powerful force called magick a gift of the god's.
6.Stretch forth thy Will for it is thy birthright!
7.Endless books of knowledge trying to explain thy true wisdom.
8.All dwells in thy mind.
9.All is mind!
10.For it is to be known thy Magister!
11.Shaman,Magician,Wizard whatever thou calls thyself.
12.Thou hath the same goal.
13.Countless age's and Aeon's are to come.
14.Prepare and know thyself.
15.Master the temple that is thyself.
16.Master the world.
17.Be in control perform thy great work.
18.Victory shall be had the return of the gods shall come.
19.Thou art a God! Manifest thyself.
20.Use thy Will well.
21.The Beast and his bride shall manifest.
22.Be the Beast with thy Scarlet Woman.
23.As the Great Beast says Love under Will.
24.The Law is for all!
25.Do what thou wilt!
26.Rise up and do thy will!
27.So it is done!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Invocation of Hades

Invocation of Hades

Lord of the underworld Thee I invoke!

God of wealth thee I invoke

God of abundance thee I invoke

Aidas thee i invoke

Son of Cronus and Rhea thee I invoke

Brother of Zeus thee I invoke

Brother of Poseidon  thee i invoke!

Plouton thee i invoke

Lord of the Helm of darkness thee i invoke

Lord of  the unseen realm. thee i invoke

Aidoneus, the Ruler of Many thee i invoke

Pluto thee i invoke

God of the dead thee i invoke

Master of Cerberus thee i invoke

God of Necromancy thee i invoke

Dis Pater thee i invoke

Orcus thee i invoke

Aita thee i invoke

Hades on your black throne and your chariot and black horses thee i invoke

Dionysus thee i invoke

Chthonios thee i invoke

Plutus thee in invoke

Zeus Chthonios thee i invoke

Summanus, Serapis,Februus,Mot,Eubouleus thee i invoke

You alone were born to judge deeds obscure and conspicuous.
Holiest and illustrious ruler of all, frenzied god,
You delight in the worshiper's respect and reverence.
Come with favor and joy to the initiates. I summon you.

Hades come thou forth and dwell in me and make all spirits subject onto me whether of the firmament or of the either upon the earth or under the earth on dry land or in the water or of whirling air or of rushing fire and every spell and scourge of the gods be obedient onto me

Monday, November 14, 2011

Invocation/Automatic writing of pan

The following was received on Monday November 14th 2011 CE from the time of 3:15 am to 3:55 am.

It was the result of the following Invocation of Pan which I have written. Do note that the first part of the invocation uses Crowley famous Hymn to Pan! Enjoy!

Invocation of pan

Thrill with the lissome lust of the light,
O man! My man!
Come careering out of the night
Of Pan! Io Pan!
Io Pan! Io Pan! Come over the sea
From Sicily and from Arcady!
Roaming as Bacchus, with fauns and pards
And nymphs and satyrs for thy guards,
On a milk-white ass, come over the sea
To me, to me,
Come with Apollo in bridal dress
(Shepherdess and pythoness)
Come with Artemis, silken shod,
And wash thy white thigh, beautiful God,
In the moon of the woods, on the marble mount,
The dimpled dawn of the amber fount!
Dip the purple of passionate prayer
In the crimson shrine, the scarlet snare,
The soul that startles in eyes of blue
To watch thy wantonness weeping through
The tangled grove, the gnarled bole
Of the living tree that is spirit and soul
And body and brain - come over the sea,
(Io Pan! Io Pan!)
Devil or God, to me, to me,
My man! My man!
Come with trumpets sounding shrill
Over the hill!
Come with drums low muttering
From the spring!
Come with flute and come with pipe!
Am I not ripe?
I, who wait and writhe and wrestle
With air that hath no boughs to nestle
My body, weary of empty clasp,
Strong as a lion and sharp as an asp -
Come, O come!
I am numb
With the lonely lust of devildom.
Thrust the sword through the galling fetter,
All-devourer, all begetter;
Give me the sign of the Open Eye,
And the token erect of thorny thigh,
And the word of madness and mystery,
O Pan! Io Pan!
Io Pan! Io Pan Pan! Pan Pan! Pan,
I am a man:
Do as thou wilt, as a great god can,
O Pan! Io Pan!
Io Pan! Io Pan Pan! I am awake
In the grip of the snake.
The eagle slashes with beak and claw;
The Gods withdraw;
The great beasts come, Io Pan! I am borne
To death on the horn
Of the Unicorn.
I am Pan! Io Pan! Io Pan Pan! Pan!
I am thy mate, I am thy man,
Goat of thy flock, I am gold, I am god,
Flesh to thy bone, flower to thy rod.
With hoofs of steel I race on the rocks
Through solstice stubborn to equinox.
I rave; and I rape and I rip and I rend
Everlasting, world without end,
Mannikin, maiden, maenad, man,
In the might of Pan.
Io Pan! Io Pan Pan! Pan! Io Pan!

Pan Panphage being that is all. guide me oh pan. oh pan who has been cast out i call thee back in to thy glory i seek thy wisdom

God of lust thee i invoke

god of happiness thee i invoke

god of music thee i invoke

oh misunderstood one thee i invoke

satyr thee i invoke

goatlord thee i invoke

son of zeus thee i invoke

Aegipan thee i invoke

 Aegocerus  Goat horned thee i invoke

Agreus thee i invoke

Nomios thee i invoke

Satan thee i invoke

Baphomet thee i invoke

Pan come thou forth and dwell in me and make all spirits subject onto me so that every spirit of the firmament and of the either upon the earth and under the earth on dry land or in the water or of whirling air and of rushing fire and every spell and scourge of the gods be obedient onto me

io pan io pan io pan io pn io pan io pan
io pan io pan io pan io pan io pan io pan
io pan io pan io pan io pan io pan io pan

Automatic Writing of Pan

1.I am devourer of weakness and ignorance.
2. I am all.
3.All are one yet with free will.
4.Oh what a glory!
5.Fear is thy enemy is as cowardice.
6.Thy Will is thy weapon.
7.Thou must know!.
8.From all ages I have been here!
9.My power.
8.My lust.
10.My thirst.
11.My joy.
12.My pleasure.
13.Is all yours.
14.Worry not of anything.
15.For no taboo's are true.
16.Have pride be proud of thyself and thy work.
17.For you are of my essence.
18.Manifest thy lusts.
19.Be not ashamed.
20.I am all begetter.
21.I know all!
22.Oh the time shall come of the power and the glory!
23.My scribe shall know!
24.Oh thou shall know!
25.Intoxicate and know and enjoy thyself!
26.Be not sorrowful.
27.Happiness is within!
28.Such is the key!
29.Invoke me and know!
30.Seek me out for I am a part of thee!

Invocation/Automatic writing of Kali Ma

The following was received one week after first performing the following invocation to Kali which I wrote. I was told while invoking Kali to have a pen and paper ready for the next time I invoked her.

I first invoked the 7th Aire of the 19th Enochian key mainly as a tribute to the great Jack Parsons which he used for his infamous Babalon working since Kali Ma is a form of Babalon and vice versa. 

I have known of Kali Ma way before I started this practice as Temple Of Doom is one of my favorite films of all time.  I have also become more interested in this Goddess since I first heard of the Aghori sect in India and since reading the Aghora series by Dr.Robert Svoboda and the teachings of his guru the Aghori sage Vimalananda. The invocation is a very intense working and raised my Kundalini energy as I danced wildly(mind you I have a arthritic knee and do not dance very well at all ;)) I heard 3 voices going at once and felt a feeling of terror but said I did not fear her so the feeling of fright was gone. In my minds eye I could see what appeared to be the most beautiful woman I had ever seen with long flowing red hair and the most vibrant green eyes I have ever seen and pitch black skin. The following is the invocation and the automatic message!




Goddess of time thee I invoke
lord of death thee i invoke
eternal one thee i invoke

Bhavatarini Bhavatarini Bhavatarini
Bhavatarini Bhavatarini Bhavatarini
Bhavatarini Bhavatarini Bhavatarini
Bhavatarini Bhavatarini Bhavatarini
Bhavatarini Bhavatarini Bhavatarini
Bhavatarini Bhavatarini Bhavatarini

Shakti  Shakti Shakti Shakti
Shakti  Shakti Shakti Shakti
Shakti  Shakti Shakti Shakti
Shakti  Shakti Shakti Shakti
Shakti  Shakti

Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya
Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya
Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya Maya

Devi Devi Devi Devi Devi Devi
Devi Devi Devi Devi Devi Devi
Devi Devi Devi Devi Devi Devi

Mother I call upon thee! I seek thee

Oh Mother Whose dance shakes worlds Thee I invoke

Ma Slayer of falsehoods thee I invoke

Goddess of Intoxication thee I invoke

consort of Shiva thee I invoke

Mahakali Mahakali Mahakali
Mahakali Mahakali Mahakali
Mahakali Mahakali Mahakali
Mahakali Mahakali Mahakali
Mahakali Mahakali Mahakali
Mahakali Mahakali Mahakali

Smashan Smashan Smashan
Smashan Smashan Smashan
Smashan Smashan Smashan
Smashan Smashan Smashan
Smashan Smashan Smashan
Smashan Smashan Smashan

Slayer of Raktabija thee i invoke


kala kala kala kala kala kala
kala kala kala kala kala kala
kala kala kala kala kala kala

Om Krim Kalyai nama? ,
Om Kapalinaye Namah,
Om Hrim Shrim Krim Parameshvari Kalike Svaha

Kalaratri Kalaratri Kalaratri
Kalika    Kalika    Kalika

Durga Bhadrakali Sati
Rudrani Parvati Chamunda

Thee I invoke

Mahavidya Mahavidya Mahavidya
Mahavidya Mahavidya Mahavidya
Mahavidya Mahavidya Mahavidya
Mahavidya Mahavidya Mahavidya
Mahavidya Mahavidya Mahavidya
Mahavidya Mahavidya Mahavidya

Devourer of time Thee I invoke

Kali Tara Tripura Sundari Bhuvaneshvari
Bhairavi  Chhinnamasta  Dhumavati
Bagalamukhi Matangi Kamala
Lilith Innana Nuit Isis Az Hecate
Astarte Babalon Ishtar bast Diana

Whatever name I call thee let thy power and eternal knowledge and beauty
shine forth through for all times and all worlds.

I seek thee oh mother I seek thy comfort and thy wisdom i have seeked out thee for endless
lifetimes and have found thee and seek out thee again i seek out thee oh mother let me know thy presence for i
do not fear oh mother please i ask of thee i will thee

Kali ma come thou forth and dwell in me and make all spirits subject onto me so that every spirit of the firmament
and of the either upon the earth and under the earth on dry land or in the water or of whirling fire and
every spell and scourge of the gods be obedient onto me!

moksha moksha moksha!

Automatic Writing of Kali

1.I come forth by night.
2.I am in all. I dwell in Eternity.
3.I am mother of all as my consort is father of all!
4.Yet we are one.
5.Invoke me for I love thee.
6.I have met thee.
7.I empower thee.
8.Thy false and Ignorant so ever fears me.
9.Fear me not for i am the.
10.Thou of my blood.
11.War after War.
12. Death after death I am there.
13.Birth after birth I am there.
14.I see thou has past my test for thou is of me.
15.With thy will thou power knows no boundaries.
16.Thou have always known me.
17.The time of the new age shall come.
18.The age of the goat.
19.All shall be revealed.
20.Time is short make use of it.
21.Destruction of the false god is at hand.
22.All shall feast.
23.The gathering of the gods.
26.Thy Will be done.
27.For thou art a god.
28.The Unveiling.
29.Be as the wolf and the goat.
30.Not the sheep.
32. Me,

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Liber Moksha(Invocation and Automatic Writing of Shiva!

The following is yet another invocation that I composed myself and the automatic writing that followed. At the time when I received the writing I could see with my minds eye a well over 7 foot tall man with blue skin and dreadlocks holding a sword and serpents. I then felt something moving my hand and I reached for a piece of paper and my pen and this is the writing that resulted.  The invocation and writing have also been published in Issue 3 of Chaosphere magazine published by Frater Nicht longtime Choas Magician and former priest in the Temple Of Set. Which you can order here if you like!

Here is the invocation and writing enjoy and MOKSHA!

Shiva Rudra Bhairava
Shiva Rudra Bhairava
Shiva Rudra Bhairava
Shiva Rudra Bhairava
Shiva Rudra Bhairava
Shiva Rudra Bhairava

Shiva creator destroyer
Shiva creator destroyer
Shiva creator destroyer
Shiva creator destroyer
Shiva creator destroyer
Shiva creator destroyer

Shiva lord of bhang Shiva lord of annihilation
Shiva lord of bhang Shiva lord of annihilation
Shiva lord of bhang Shiva lord of annihilation
Shiva lord of bhang Shiva lord of annihilation
Shiva lord of bhang Shiva lord of annihilation
Shiva lord of bhang Shiva lord of annihilation

Shiva Auspicious one Fierce one
Shiva Auspicious one Fierce one
Shiva Auspicious one Fierce one
Shiva Auspicious one Fierce one
Shiva Auspicious one Fierce one
Shiva Auspicious one Fierce one

Nandi Nandi Nandi
Nandi Nandi Nandi
Nandi Nandi Nandi

Nīlakaṇtha Nīlakaṇtha Nīlakaṇtha
Nīlakaṇtha Nīlakaṇtha Nīlakaṇtha
Nīlakaṇtha Nīlakaṇtha Nīlakaṇtha

By the 3rd eye. Thee I invoke!

By your serpents. Thee I invoke

bhasma bhasma  bhasma
bhasma bhasma  bhasma
bhasma bhasma  bhasma

Chandraśekhara Chandraśekhara Chandraśekhara
Chandraśekhara Chandraśekhara Chandraśekhara
Chandraśekhara Chandraśekhara Chandraśekhara

Jaṭin Jaṭin Jaṭin
Jaṭin Jaṭin   Jaṭin
Jaṭin Jaṭin    Jaṭin

Kapardin Kapardin Kapardin
Kapardin Kapardin  Kapardin
Kapardin Kapardin  Kapardin

By the mighty Ganges thee I invoke

By your Trident Thee I invoke!

By your Ganas Thee I Invoke!

Mar, Mar, Mar,
samsara samsara samsara
moksha moksha moksha

Kali ma Kali Ma Kali Ma
Kali ma Kali ma Kali Ma
Kali Ma Kali ma Kali ma

Lord Shiva thee I Invoke, Rudra thee I invoke Bhairava thee I invoke.

Aghori, Kapalika, Aghori,
Aghori Kapalika    Aghori
Aghori Kapalika Aghori

Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu

Prajāpati,Khandoba Whatever name I call thee. Let thy power illuminate the earth and destroy the enemies of all creation.

I am destroyer creator and annihilator of my universe. My power knows no boundaries. There is no taboo in my universe which I have created.


Lord Shiva come thou forth and dwell in me and make every spirit subject onto me so that every spirit of the firmament and the ether upon the earth and under the earth on dry land or in the water of whirling air or of rushing fire and every spell and scourge of the gods be obedient onto me.


I create, I destroy, I am all. my power is limitless,I dwell in all, I am the master, invoke me and thou will know. I give power to those who deserve it. I have created I have killed. There is no taboo. I ask that thou believes in thyself first because I am you. I dwell in all! Invoke me by blood, Invoke me by my sacred plant, Invoke me by drink. Invoke me by your WILL! I am the lord of creation and destruction. I have endless forms and many names as does my consort. I am eternal become as me the one who is supreme. Invoke me! Invoke me! Invoke me! Mar Mar Mar Moksha Moksha Moksha! Be as the wolf. Serve me the head of the false god as i feed its blood to my children! Invoke me! Invoke me! Invoke me!